swup swup Hooks
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Swup provides a variety of hooks that allow listening to lifecycle events, customizing the transition process as well as triggering custom logic at specific points.

Registering handlers

You can register hooks on swup's hooks registry. All handlers receive the global context object as their first argument.

// Log to the console on each page view
swup.hooks.on('page:view', (context) => {
  console.log('New page loaded:', context.to.url);
// Log to the console on each page view
swup.hooks.on('page:view', (context) => {
  console.log('New page loaded:', context.to.url);

Handler options

Pass in an options object to customize how a handler is invoked.


Execute the handler once, then remove it.

swup.hooks.on('page:view', () => {}, { once: true });
swup.hooks.on('page:view', () => {}, { once: true });


Execute the handler before the internal default handler.

swup.hooks.on('content:replace', () => {}, { before: true });
swup.hooks.on('content:replace', () => {}, { before: true });


Replace the internal default handler entirely with a custom function.

swup.hooks.on('fetch:request', () => {}, { replace: true });
swup.hooks.on('fetch:request', () => {}, { replace: true });


Influence the order in which this handler is run in relation to other handlers for the same hook, regardless of order of registration. The default priority is 0 — negative values make the handler execute earlier, positive values make it execute later.

// Execute before other handlers
swup.hooks.on('visit:start', () => {}, { priority: -100 });

// Execute after other handlers
swup.hooks.on('visit:start', () => {}, { priority: 100 });
// Execute before other handlers
swup.hooks.on('visit:start', () => {}, { priority: -100 });

// Execute after other handlers
swup.hooks.on('visit:start', () => {}, { priority: 100 });


There are shortcuts available for common handler options:

swup.hooks.once('page:view', () => {}); // once: true
swup.hooks.before('content:replace', () => {}); // before: true
swup.hooks.replace('fetch:request', () => {}); // replace: true
swup.hooks.once('page:view', () => {}); // once: true
swup.hooks.before('content:replace', () => {}); // before: true
swup.hooks.replace('fetch:request', () => {}); // replace: true

Pausing execution

Swup will await Promises returned from handlers, allowing you to pause execution.

// Delay the start of the page transition by 1 second
swup.hooks.on('visit:start', () => {
  return new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 1000));
// Delay the start of the page transition by 1 second
swup.hooks.on('visit:start', () => {
  return new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 1000));

This means that async/await handlers are supported as well:

// Wait for a custom function before starting the transition
swup.hooks.on('visit:start', async () => {
  await myCustomFunction();
// Wait for a custom function before starting the transition
swup.hooks.on('visit:start', async () => {
  await myCustomFunction();

Removing handlers

Remove a previously registered handler by passing in the function to remove.

const handler = () => console.log('New page loaded');

// Register a handler
swup.hooks.on('page:view', handler);

// Remove it again later
swup.hooks.off('page:view', handler);
const handler = () => console.log('New page loaded');

// Register a handler
swup.hooks.on('page:view', handler);

// Remove it again later
swup.hooks.off('page:view', handler);

List of hooks

The following hooks are exposed by swup and can be accessed as such:

Hook name Description
animation:out:start out-animation of current content begins: .is-animating is added to html
animation:out:end out-animation of current content finishes, content not yet replaced
animation:in:start in-animation of new content begins: .is-animating is removed from html tag
animation:in:end in-animation of new content finishes, content was replaced
animation:await swup waits for CSS animations on the page, either in or out
animation:skip animations are skipped and page will load instantaneously: e.g. on history navigation
cache:set a page is saved to the cache
cache:clear the cache is cleared completely
content:replace the content of the page is replaced
content:scroll the scroll position is reset after replacing the content
enable swup instance is created
disable swup instance is disabled
fetch:error a fetch request is rejected because of a server error
fetch:request a fetch request is sent
history:popstate history navigation is started: back/forward button pressed
page:request a page is requested, either from a fetch request or the cache
page:load a page is completely loaded, via fetch request or cache
page:view the next page is visible after replacing the content, also triggers when instantiating swup
visit:start begin of the transition to a new page
visit:end end of the transition to a new page: all content was replaced and animations have finished


Trigger analytics page views

swup.hooks.on('page:view', () => {
    event: 'VirtualPageview',
    virtualPageURL: window.location.pathname,
    virtualPageTitle: document.title
swup.hooks.on('page:view', () => {
    event: 'VirtualPageview',
    virtualPageURL: window.location.pathname,
    virtualPageTitle: document.title

Initialize new components on the page

swup.hooks.on('page:view', () => {
  if (document.querySelector('#carousel')) {
    const carousel = new Carousel('#carousel');
swup.hooks.on('page:view', () => {
  if (document.querySelector('#carousel')) {
    const carousel = new Carousel('#carousel');

DOM events

All hooks are also triggered on the document with a swup: prefix. They receive the hook name and the global context object inside the detail key of the event.

document.addEventListener('swup:page:view', ({ detail: { context } }) => {
  console.log('Going to', context.to.url);
document.addEventListener('swup:page:view', ({ detail: { context } }) => {
  console.log('Going to', context.to.url);

Custom hooks

Plugin authors might want to create and trigger new hooks to implement additional functionality.

See the Custom Hooks section of the Create a Plugin page for details.