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Create a Plugin 🎉

Anyone can create and publish swup plugins. To create a new plugin, install the swup CLI and let it create one from a template. Or head over directly to the plugin template repo and follow the instructions there.


  • Check out existing plugins before creating one. Maybe the desired functionality can be integrated into an existing plugin?
  • If you think your new plugin should be an official swup plugin and live under the @swup/* npm namespace, get in touch at gmarcuk@gmail.com.

Developing plugins

Accessing swup

The swup instance is automatically assigned to the plugin instance and can be accessed as this.swup in the mount and unmount methods.

Cleaning up

Plugins need to clean up after themselves in the umount method: cancel any event listeners, undo any DOM changes, etc.


Use swup's log method to output any relevant information. By default this method doesn't do anything. It will starting outputting information only if installed alongside the debug plugin.

Replacing swup hooks

You might want to react to certain lifecycle hooks by replacing swup's internal handler completely. The default handler is passed to the callback as the third parameter, should you decide to let swup handle this hook based on some condition.

this.swup.hooks.replace('animation:await', (context, args, originalHandler) => {
  if (context.someCondition) {
    // Detect animation timing ourselves
  } else {
    // Let swup handle animation timing
    return originalHandler(context, args);
this.swup.hooks.replace('animation:await', (context, args, originalHandler) => {
  if (context.someCondition) {
    // Detect animation timing ourselves
  } else {
    // Let swup handle animation timing
    return originalHandler(context, args);

Custom hooks

You might need to create and trigger your own new hooks to implement additional functionality.

Create a new hook in mount:


Trigger the hook whenever makes sense:


Pass in arguments to hand them along to any registered handlers.

this.swup.hooks.trigger('form:submit', { formData: 123 });
this.swup.hooks.trigger('form:submit', { formData: 123 });

Making custom hooks replaceable

Passing in a default handler when triggering a hook will allow users of your plugin to replace this default handler with a custom implementation. This is an advanced pattern to avoid monkeypatching instance methods.

In the example below, the default form handler uses fetch to submit the form.

const args = { action: url, data: new FormData() };
this.swup.hooks.trigger('form:submit', args, (context, { action, data }) => {
  return fetch(action, { body: data }).then(/* */);
const args = { action: url, data: new FormData() };
this.swup.hooks.trigger('form:submit', args, (context, { action, data }) => {
  return fetch(action, { body: data }).then(/* */);

Consumers can now replace the default handler with a custom handler. In this example, they are using axios to submit the form instead.

swup.hooks.replace('form:submit', (context, { action, data }) => {
  return axios.get(action, { params: data }).then(/* */);
swup.hooks.replace('form:submit', (context, { action, data }) => {
  return axios.get(action, { params: data }).then(/* */);