swup swup Create a Theme 🎉
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Create a Theme 🎉

Anyone can create and publish swup themes. To create a new theme, install the swup CLI and let it create one from a template. Or head over directly to the theme template repo and follow the instructions there.


  • Check out existing themes before creating one.
  • If you think your new theme should be an official swup theme and live under the @swup/* npm namespace, get in touch at gmarcuk@gmail.com.

Developing themes

Accessing swup

The swup instance is automatically assigned to the plugin instance and can be accessed as this.swup in the mount and unmount methods.

Animation selector

Swup themes automatically set the animationSelector option to [class*="swup-transition-"] to prevent bugs related to other libraries using the same classes. Use swup-transition-* for your theme classes.

Bundled styles

Use .css files to manage your styles. Import the styles directly into the JS bundle and apply it with this.applyStyles(css);


The recommended way to make themes configurable is by using CSS custom properties that can be overridden by the users of the theme. Namespace them with the theme name to avoid collisions.

html {
  --swup-custom-theme-duration: .6s;
  --swup-custom-theme-color: red;
html {
  --swup-custom-theme-duration: .6s;
  --swup-custom-theme-color: red;

Another way of configuring themes is by passing in an options object into the constructor, as is usual for plugins.


Themes have a few special helper methods:

  • applyStyles to prepend a style tag with defined content in the head tag.
  • addClassName to add the swup-transition-[name] classname to an element.
  • applyHTML to append a div element with defined HTML content.

Cleaning up

Themes need to clean up after themselves in the umount method: cancel any event listeners, undo any DOM changes, etc.


Use swup's log method to output any relevant information. By default this method doesn't do anything. It will starting outputting information only if installed alongside the debug plugin.